Monday, June 13, 2011

Placement: on the road again

I woke up this morning at 6:00, caught the vans at 6:30 and got to the complex not long later.  Pitchers had to be in the weight room at 7 for our FMS testing, it measures body flexibility and stability, I got to breakfast at 8 and got a quick bite before our first meeting of the day with one of the organization psychologists just talking about what he does and his availability to us, always a good resource to have.  After this, we head out for stretching and started our day's work.  All of the coaches and trainers seem cool.   We aren't allowed to call them coach or sir, we have to call them by their first names.  They say there is no power chain here, it is their job to get us to the big leagues and do what ever they can to help us, they are here for us.  Practice consisted of running more plays, learning signs, and conditioning.  Pitchers had to do ladder suicides, we would start at 10 yards and go down and back 4 times, then at 20 yards, then at 40 yards and do the same thing back down the ladder, needless to say, it was rough especially in 90+ degree heat.  Then pitchers went to go shag in the outfield for batting practice. Guys stepped in and took their hacks... these dudes can hit! Everyone was hitting the ball out of the yard no matter how big or small they were and of course it is wood bats, a sweet sound compared to aluminum like college.  We watched the simulated game going on between the guys that were in extended spring training and then when it was over we head back to the clubhouse.  On the door was the roster for the Vancouver Canadians, the short-season A team, the team that everyone wants to make down here right now.  80 guys going after 30 spots, not many rookies get on the roster right after the draft, a lot of the guys come from those who stayed for extend spring training who have been in the minors for a couple years, so it was a long shot for me to get on that team.  Everyone was crowding around the doors where the roster was and I couldn't even see it, I had 6'5 latin guys blocking my entire view and I wasn't going to try my rusty spanish to ask them to let me get a look.  I went around the crowd and went inside to my locker just figuring I would check later just for kicks.  I went out later to check the list and there I was, my name 4th on the list, I had been assigned to that team.  Only 7 out of the 30 guys I came in with got on the team, 4 draft guys and 3 free agents and I was one of them.  Everyone else had been in the organization and had been working for this spot for months even a few years but somehow I was chosen.  I was so pumped, and even cooler was that Schaef, my buddy from summer ball was on of the other 6 to get chosen out of the new guys.  I went to the team meeting, met my coaches, heard all about how great Vancouver is, our meal money, living situation, the stadium, you name it.  The team is expecting 100% of the tickets to be sold this season and they are already almost there.  This means that they are expecting 7000+ fans at all their games...not a bad crowd.  I met with the pitching coach (Cy) after the team meeting and found out that I am a starter, and would be starting the 4th game and be the 4th starter...awesome, this day just keeps getting better, I was at a loss for words. I got back to the hotel and started packing, because guess what? We fly out tomorrow! In Tampa for 3 days and then Vancouver for 3 months.  As a parting gift, the chefs served steak and chicken for dinner, a feast for kings, unbelievable.  Sleeping tonight should be interesting although I need to because I don't get into Canada until 11pm their time which 2am on the east coast. Let the season begin!  Talk to you all from Vancouver.

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